DMIT:LAX.LITE VPS迁移至圣何塞,线路调整为AS4837,年付七折


Dmit:LAX.LITE VPS Migration Notice

Migration Overview

Server Migration

Dmit, a well-known VPS provider, recently announced that its LAX.LITE VPS service will be migrated from the Los Angeles data center to the San Jose data center. The purpose of this migration is to provide more stable and efficient services.

Line Adjustment

At the same time, Dmit will also adjust the line of LAX.LITE VPS. The new line will use AS4837, which is a high-quality line that can provide better network connection speed and stability.

Price Discount

Price Discount

To celebrate this migration, Dmit will offer a 30% discount on the annual payment of LAX.LITE VPS. This is a great opportunity to enjoy Dmit's high-quality services at a lower price.

Related Questions and Answers

Q1: Will my VPS be affected during the migration process?

A1: During the migration process, your VPS may temporarily be unavailable. Dmit will do its best to minimize this impact and restore the service as soon as possible.

Migration Impact

Q2: Can I migrate my VPS from the Los Angeles data center to the San Jose data center?

A2: Yes, if your VPS is in the Los Angeles data center, you can choose to migrate it to the San Jose data center. Please note that this may take some time and there may be a brief service interruption.

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