TechnoVM:美国洛杉矶4837线路VPS 1核1G内存20GB NVMe,500Mbps@2 TB 月付14.9元起

TechnoVM offers VPS services on the 4837 route in Los Angeles, USA. The configuration includes 1 core, 1GB of memory, 20GB NVMe storage, 500Mbps bandwidth, and 2TB of monthly data transfer. The monthly price starts at just 14.9 yuan, making it a highly cost-effective option.

Specifications and Configuration:

VPS Configuration

CPU Cores: 1 core

Memory Capacity: 1GB

Storage Type: NVMe

Storage Capacity: 20GB

Bandwidth Speed: 500Mbps

Data Transfer Limit: 2TB

Pricing and Payment Methods:

Payment Options

Monthly pricing starts at 14.9 yuan

Payment Methods: Various payment options such as credit card, PayPal, etc.

Reliability and Stability:

TechnoVM operates its own data center in Los Angeles, providing reliable network connectivity and a stable operating environment.

They utilize the latest hardware and technology on their servers to ensure high availability and performance.

Technical Support:

TechnoVM offers 24/7 technical support, including online chat, email, and phone support.

Their experienced technical team can promptly address user issues and needs.

Other Features:

Additional Features

TechnoVM's services are suitable for various purposes, including website hosting, application development, and data storage.

Users can choose the appropriate configuration and service plan based on their needs.

Related Questions and Answers:

1. Does TechnoVM offer a refund policy?

A: Yes, TechnoVM provides a refund policy. Users can request a refund within a certain period after purchase, and specific refund policies can be found on the official website.

2. Does TechnoVM offer free backup services?

A: According to our understanding, TechnoVM does not offer free backup services. If backup services are needed, users may need to purchase additional backup packages or perform backups themselves.

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